Wednesday 22 August 2012

The Grip of Death

The Grip of Death
Concept by “Michael Row Bothom”, Written by “Faraz Muneer”


The related article is concern about the three main issues which are the basis of debt based financial system. 

·         - Modern money
·         - Debt slavery
·         - Destructive economy

The modern economic world had got human being by throat and due to this they are unable to justify these changes which are called as “the age of progress” and this progress would never be stop.
In an economic world the impact of creation of money arises through the banking that is the financial reserve banking consider as the main subject.

“Economics realize that “debt money that is the creation of money issue on loan or credit”.

“fascinating”…”coherent and unique”…”an important tool of education itself”…” research well”, “the best one”… is some of the related comment on the Row Bothom article, David Kortan clearly said that “Row Bothom, valiantly talks about the distribution of truth in relation to the debt that is the main flaw of monetary system that bewilder the money of bankers and economists.

In the article grip of death we talks about that how we move forward the system of money in comprehensive and inclusive environment, but also we have justification to major inadequacy of the creation of money.

Modern money is a form of money in which there is no cash in hand there is only bank to bank transaction has been occurred that is a current form of money is created in the economic world by the private banking system and also by other lending institution such as international monetary fund (IMF) and the world bank. As the authority of supervision handling and issuance in regards to supply anything so critical to us all, like money is in the control of government but actually it not should be happened.

In 1997, in the UK, England bank give an idea statistically, the treasury in regards of UK government is a meager £ 25million is form the entire money and the rest of pond 655 million (maximum 95% of the use money in UK) are come from debt money by mortgage, private loan etc. Accordingly that rented money creates about the whole money stock of the UK. There are many of country which are being followed the same criteria. As in USA almost 90% of supply of money is on debt base into continuation.

By tradition the money that are being created by the bank are over the supervision of government, setting according to the liquidity ratio to meet up the institution. But from the 1980’s this ratio have no meaning because the banks choosing another way of short term investment for the security of government, Such of these control are not solvent because of conservative system of banks.

The ownership of money is also regardless that “create service to borrowers” As the banking system loan their money which are being a wrong suggestion. Bank make their money by their own as the loan are repaying by the borrowers on the interest based, the bank create money, so they are consider the assets of the related banks.

The higher and the higher interest rate, the economics standard in response to the rise in price, mainly for the work, high interest rate not only create difficulty for the current borrowers but also being effective for the old borrowers. Consequently the debtor elevated, bankruptcy of the business world, home ownership are being landed and many of workers are being layoff so the economic world face recession.

These are related to the modern growth of the modern money with no cash in hand, bank to bank transactions, and the high interest rate have cause the economic crisis and the downfall occurred in the financial system.

In the fractional reserve banking the bank that works on commercial basis makeup the new money by landing to borrowers.

In the debt base fake money which relies on end of debt and continues rise in the price of commodities is not a cause of unstable monetary reform.

There is no balance and in the stability of economic structure of the world the money has been created by the loan, by which the price of commodity is higher and higher, the creation of money is on increasing interest rate. However, there is no rule, facts and figures to operate such system. 


The whole economic world is dependent of the bank loan. In the world if all the country followed the debt base policy that one is on credit that is if any one is talking the money so they must be surety that someone else is giving the money and it is the predication, in the economic world, the country which are on the top of national debtor table have consider one of the progressive and develop nation. As the debt is taken for the building, infrastructure and they are unable to repay the loan because of increasing interest rate day by day and fall in a distractive economics.

Not only the financial statement is not tackle by the most of the economics, in contrast with the debt base countries their private debt is also being increase.

It is being obvious that money is the medium is in high which shows the facts and figures of economic world. Trust in money is not to be answered which are accepted not only for the crisis, because of debt, but also the entire range of monetary system.

Similarly in America increasing in output day by day, not for their own supply but it only to create the revenue from the export to increase the balance of payment. Not only America but many of “third world nation” follow the same dead line that produce goods not for the domestic use but the exports such goods and create revenue which increasing their profit and repay the loans. Consequently this situation arise that for the financial stabile, the develop nation in the world, obtain revenue from the export by increasing their output. While poor nations, who want to improve their output domestically have got into crisis and all is come from monetary policies, and this taken economic financial system in unreal world.

“Money is manmade creation”, for in whole economic world it is not being created for the fulfillment the needs and demands of the respective nation but it is only the piece of paper that produce many of numbers have no counting

Michael Row Bothom clearly specify the situation that if there is a building, well innovative technology, well educated people to handle out such machinery and a well establish place or environment so how that possible that hospital, offices, industries, schools are not in a working manners, just because of lack of money? Is this situation being?????

Michael Row Bothom stated that yet this situation is valid, as the monitory system and if we said that “we are in money crisis so it is with some thing that is missing” 

So, “Money is trusted”. Financial figures give an accurate measurement of over working and Michael Row Bothom put a serious attention towards the debt crisis that “if we are graspes with debt so we must look after to improve productivity, establish new industry, eroded unemployment, and also being improved export in order to, to be in better situation, and growth and development of economy”

The nation who are in debts, due to unequal resources, service or running on a fund and people are rely on mortgage and use modern money. So reason of that entire economic crisis is concentrated actually the root is debt. If modern money is being in running and people rely on that so we are foster towards a debt crisis because the modern money is actually borrowing from banks and preexistence money of banks is basically the nation’s people money and due to that if we use that money so we use the money of other people and in short we are in debt of other people.

In this article, “GRIP OF DEATH” Michael Row Bothom define the concept of modern money by give an example of United Kingdom money stock that is approx £680 billions and he said that “if ask that is this total money has been related to government, so it got surprising then who would be responsible of this money and where does this money comes from?”

When statistical analysis from England bank, they showed total amount of money by which government is responsible is £25 billion so again the question arises that what about the rest of total money that is £655 billion which is about 97% of total money so who is answerable about that 97% of money.

The money which is landed by the people in the form of mortgage, in the form of use of modern money that is simple creates debt to the nation. So the banks and other societies have 97% of money that is totally based upon debts and due to the use of modern money the economic debt is on boom. Michael Row Bothom specify that these situations has been given by “Royal Commission” and other landed institutions. Many of the third world countries are in debt crisis due to the use of modern money.


Now, we are in the era of economical change, and are these changes are beneficial or not?  Are these changes fulfill the need and demand of a common man, no one even focus to answer these changes because such economical changes have graspes the mind of people in such a manners that they just think these changes in term of progress, how this progress if effected and where progress being to stop no one thought about that issue that why we are following this and what are the impact of such changes.

Michael Row Bothom stated that “approximate 95% of money is stock of developing nations is comprises and in this modern economic era the bank is considered as the focal point in the economic world through fluctuating interest rate”. As the interest rate, Alan Green Span, “chairman of federal reserve bank” gives a statement about manipulation of interest rate that economist of American adjust the interest rate in such a manners that no one even predicts about that. Michael Row Bothom clearly tends the attention towards the financial system that if a finance list makes an adjustment by one computer for one nation so it’s not difficult to adjust whole economic interest rate, and the era is come in which whole economy is in trouble in the mathematical errors.

Michael Row Bothom put an attention towards a debt crisis that this debt based financial system is not only destruct economy but also decline the solvency of common man. If we see both commercial debts, which are due to high prices, and mortgage debt which increase the income of consumers so that also make a serious contribution in debt base financial system.

The destruction of economy effected domestically as well as international affairs. This destructive economy may destroy agriculture system, marketing, transport, distribution as well as quality of productivity. Due to new machinery, the natural food which is actually the desire of a common person, the food which produced is not in a good quality and also because of that machinery the small medium farmer sized out and unemployment rate is increased which give negative impact on the growth of economy.

The destructive economy not only effected domestically but being create distortion all the international affairs such as, trade. As the trade system, the competition of indebtedness among the nation is increases. The nation follows the rules to generate more and more export revenue in state of that they should focus a process which is beneficial for both creditors and debtor countries.

The debt base financial system is not a neglecting where as it should have a serious attention to find out the problem and give a proper solution to follow. We should consider the growing basic root in which national and international economy depends and establish a new rule for the money supply around the economy in order to shift destructive economy in to constructive economic trends so to we should achieve a batter economic environment.

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